About Dinembo Space
Dinembo Space is a decolonial platform based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, founded by Tanzanian multidisciplinary artist Mihayo Kalaye. It extends his creative practice into curatorial work, creating a space where tattooing and performance are embraced as powerful rituals. These mediums are used to critically rethink and reimagine Africa’s decolonization as an ongoing and collective journey.
Dinembo Space draws on the concept of traditional initiation rites such as Mukanda from Zambia and Jando and Unyago from Tanzania. In these rites, knowledge is passed down through generations, combining discussions and teachings to transform participants. By the end of these rituals, individuals emerge with a deeper understanding of their traditions and customs. Similarly, Dinembo Space creates an environment for critical engagement, exploration, and transformation, fostering reflection on African spirituality, history, and politics.
The name Dinembo comes from the Makonde word for sacred body marking. The Makonde are a matrilineal community located in southern Tanzania and northern Mozambique, along the border between the two countries.
We are not anthropologists. Our work focuses on exploring the space where critical thinking meets creativity, aiming to contribute to dialogues on African decolonization in a collective and inclusive way. Tattooing and performance, rooted in ancient African spiritual practices, hold profound potential for healing, remembrance, and reconnection.
Mihayo Kalaye, Multidisciplinary Artist and Founder of Dinembo Space